
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Unforgettable moments : Her smile!

Image Courtesy : Google Images
She was not at her cheerful best today. The beautiful smile which made my day everyday was replaced with a frown. Her eyes which generally wore kohl were undressed today and it seemed like she cried the entire night. She looked weak. She had mentioned that she wasn't well but I knew it, that the weakness I could see on her face was not because of her health, but because of the stress she was going through. Call it stupidity, but I couldn't help but wonder, how could she look so beautiful even when she was sad. It was the natural beauty which appealed to me. There's a beautiful thing about sadness, it brings out the inner person. And there she was - Soft and sensitive, something she had been hiding the whole time from me behind her 'Nothing can break me attitude!' It was pretty apparent - deep down she needed someone to take care of her, someone to make her feel special and someone who would anything for her, just anything! But that was her problem - she wouldn't let people enter that inner circle her life that easily. Call it a defence mechanism which she developed over the years to sustain the emotional hurt.

She always have had a opinion - There's nobody who can understand her, something which we all think as we tend to overlook that one person who will never say a word but will understand you. That one person who will never expect anything in return but will die for you. I always felt like that person in her life. Given the time frame since I've known her which is very short, I feel a strong connection with her always - so much so that, a hint of sadness in her life makes me equally sad and sends a feeling of restlessness in me. A feeling which compells me to do whatever it takes to make her happy, to make a joke out of myself just to bring that beautiful smile back again. There's something mysterious about her which makes me want to know about her more and more. Sometimes I feel her life is  a bigger master of suspense than a Alfred Hitchcock thriller. Of course I've no plans of confessing what I feel, or let's just say I don't want too, ever!

I couldn't see her sad for long, so I went to her and started cracking some real pathetic jokes. Not that I did now know that they were pathetic, but I was ready to come across as a person with a bad sense of humour to make her smile somehow. It worked! She smiled telling me that I'm a crazy person. There's a crazy thing which happens when you like somebody, whatever they call you - you find it cute. It goes like this. She smiles and tell you, 'You're such an idiot!'. In your head, you talk to yourself, 'God! I love being called an idiot by her!' Needless to say, I found it cute too as I told myself, 'Yes I'm the craziest man on the planet, crazy about you.' As we started talking, she kept smiling. I tried looking in her eyes, but she looked away. Don't you love it when that special girl smiles, and looks into your eyes? There's an instant connection which cannot be defined, but it is there; even if for a second. Sitting next to her was a treat as I noticed every single thing about her. How her nose gets a little more sharp when she gets angry, how her lips shrink a little bit when she's talking about a thing which upsets her and how her eyes glow up with a smile the second she starts talking about a thing which she loves. It's as if her eyes do all the talking.

As I sat back and started to work again, I stole a glance at her and saw her smiling face. The small lovely moments which one experiences at every point in life are the ones which are the most treasured ones. And that smiling face, was my treasure of the day! My most precious treasure!

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