
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Come to me ... again!

Numb, empty from within,
I close my eyes,
Trying to find you,
But all in vain...

I remember the pure moments of my life,
Free from sorrows,
I search again inside me,
Only to be disappointed again...

You were there in my life once,
I boasted of you proudly,
How can you just go away?
How can you leave me alone?

Those who have you,
Feel fortunate to kiss you,
Those who don't,
Just keep craving...

Not in human form,
But you still are powerful of all,
The key to a man's happiness,
And a reason for sadness at the same time...

You're unpredictable and cruel,
But I still believe in you,
Oh! That feeling of being in love,
I know you don't come that easy,
You come only to a lucky few!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yep me too waitin hope to b lucky again !! N Amar bhai again what u wrote words are less to praise that !! :)

Unknown said...

this sleepless scribble is very sweet!!

Amar Ashok Jajoo said...

Romi - I wish your wish comes true as soon and possible! :) .. And thanks for being my reader and appreciating my work bhai :). .Keep reading! :)

Zoyeb - Thank you so much Zoyeb! :) :)

Anonymous said...

As you already read and commented (thank you for that) my dream post, I don't think i have any more words to express or put it how much these words convey. It's true that only in the life lucky ones love stay, but experiencing it teaches you a new meaning of life, or perhaps teaches you what is life.. Good one man, simple and straight words that twinges, and shows colors of love ..

Amar Ashok Jajoo said...

Yes, absolutely, I completely agree. Experiencing the feeling itself brings one much closer to life and gives it a whole new meaning and new diemension. Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Keep doing that! :)

Piyush Jain said...

the words are simple and feelings are deep. nice work.
Piyush Jain

Amar Ashok Jajoo said...

Thanks Piyush :)