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They often say opportunities come to people who are wide awake; well they still haven’t had a look at me.
If there’s anything which has always been able to put me at peace in the worst of the times, there’s only one thing – putting the words on the paper. Name the problem and the solution has always been my writing for me. Whenever I’ve been happy I’ve wrote about it and the same whenever I’ve been sad. I’ve always been in love with words in the English language probably that’s why even my blog is called ‘The Magic in Words’. People call me a maniac because most nights I’m awake reading blogs, but then I know I’m right, and I believe so.
When I was small I would write essays for my friends which was a part of their homework. When I grew up a little bit I would write leave applications for my sister, now one may think what intelligence does that require? Believe me writing leave applications at 15 and that too the most precise ones is surely something which deserves a Nobel Prize! When I grew up a little more I understood what a boon my love for words is, for now I realized I was amongst the very few around me who could do poetry. I’m a Leo and of course a little appreciation doesn’t hurt. Some guys told me that it’s useless what I do and but I believed in myself.
Very soon I was writing poetry for many of my friends – for their relatives, for their companions. Many gave me the idea to take money for it, but it just didn’t seem right to take money from the only audience which I had. The brilliant minds amongst my relatives said – ‘Concentrate on your career, concentrate on Chartered Accountancy’ and tried to discourage me. But I knew that life without passion was like a life without purpose and writing has always been my passion. I believed I was doing the right thing.
Now after so many years of carrying on my passion, it’s not just about poetry. It’s about everything – Politics, relationships, human behavior and of course there’s a little bit of humor in everything. If there’s anything which soothes me down after a whole bad day – it is a cup of tea and my laptop with my fingers running over it generating words. I’ve been writing all sorts for so many years, I’ve been happy but I always questioned myself – Will I ever get a chance to reach out to a larger audience? Will ever there will be people, complete strangers who will want me to write something for them. Everyone told me that I ain’t that good but I knew I wasn’t that bad either. My opportunity was just on the way and probably stuck in the traffic somewhere!
Today, after spending a whole night again reading blogs and then after planning of doing what I’m best at – sleeping throughout the day, opportunity knocked on me just when I was sleeping. One of my friends called who works as a freelancer at a leading newspaper calls and asks me – ‘Are you sleeping?’ Then she comes to business and tells me that her boss wanted to see me and if I was interested in doing what she was doing. So, Opportunity doesn’t always necessarily come to people who’re wide awake but sometimes to people who are half sleepy, red eyed and sleep deprived.
I’ve understood something today, If I hadn’t been determined and believed in what I always did in spite of the fact that many try to discourage, I wouldn’t have the opportunity.
Opportunity may come to many people – Wide awake or half sleepy, but opportunity necessarily comes to people who – Believe, in themselves and their work!
P.S : This piece was written because I was told by the editor in charge to write it there!
Congrats for the wonderful opportunity in life. Sure you are a tremendous writer and now make your dream touch the realities of writing life. I know you are going to enjoy your journey.
Thanks so much neeraj..I'm sure I'm going to love the journey! It has been a long time dream which I'm going to realise now! :)
Take care :)
Congrats on this wonderful opportunity! You are a true magician Amar :) Wish you all the very best :)
Thanks Arti..A magician can't do magic without the audience he has for cheering him up..Thanks for being my audience..:)..And thanks so much for your wishes..:)
You have created the magic in words, truly...I just can say Thank you for this magical post :)
Hey..thanks Doc! :)..It's because of admirers like you that it's all possible :)
Take care :)
the conclusion is what matters the most and i believe dis one certainly conveys a msg, well done amar.
the dots are always connected in the end! :)
@Prasan - Thanks so much buddy! :)
@Ram - Thanks bhai! Yes they are! and that's why it's worth waiting! :)
Congratulations Amar :)
You have no idea how much your this post has helped me...It has kind of given a moral that I should never
give up writing...which at some moment I had thought of :)
Even I wonderered many a times..What's the point of it?..But still couldn't stop writing always kept thinking..'I'm getting better day by day, I'm learning a little bit of this and a little bit of that and it will pay back someday!' I now realize why they say' Follow your dreams' and believe me that is a right thing to do! Always keep writing because you do write great!
So while you're a doctor and I'm a chartered accountancy student, We should always be that someone what we always wanted to be - A writer!
Take care :)
Spell binding write-up Amar! Now I can make out why the editor was impressed with you (not that otherwise you did not deserve the opportunity!) This piece is inspiring, very nicely written, and expresses perfectly your tryst with the magic of words. This has provided me with all the more encouragement to take my writing career further, in addition to the great help you already extended to me in this regard. Just these few words do I have for you - Keep going strong, just like you've always done. Life's gonna be beautiful ahead! :)
Thank you so much Mahima for the lovely wishes! I wish the same for you in a much more better and enhanced way! :) God bless you always! :)
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